The weather on Thursday evening looks acceptable so we have 5 rides up at www.gorillacafe.co.uk/cycling for you to book onto :
15-16mph Rob Anderson flat route to Hockley
16-17mph Neil Cocklin rolling 30 miles out Packwood way.
17-18mph Adam Maclean hilly 28 miles over to Romley, then back via the Lickeys
17-18mph David Morton flattish 30 miles taking in Broad lane.
18-19mph Graeme's Winter Loop.
All rides leave at 6.30pm and start and finish at Hare and Hounds on York Road. There's bike storage there, but bring a lock for safety.
Gorilla Zwift
If you can't make it outside we do have our regular Gorilla Zwift on Wednesday evening at 6.30pm. Invites for this week's 30km flatland loop have already been sent out on the companion app - if you'd like to join just let me know. We have the elastic band on, so everyone stays together no matter how much power you're putting out.
The only Strava crown i saw this week was Ed Carver . Good work fella.
Bikepro on Kings Heath high street have kindly offered all Gorilla members 10% off all their purchases and servicing , just pop in store to collect a loyalty card and mention you're a member of Gorilla Cycling Club.
Plans for 2025?
What are everyone's cycling plans for this year? Anyone got any trips they are doing/planning on doing or goals that they have set themselves that they can share in the comments below? Me?
I'm off cycling near Lake Garda in early May with a bunch of mates , planning to cycle round the Isle of Wight late May. In June I'll be "racing" as a guest in the Medigames 4 stage bike race. In July i'm doing the Rebellion Way with the Gorilla gravel crew and in September I'm riding the Lancashire Gravel Epic again with a bunch of Gorillas. I'm missing the Gorilla trip abroad this year unfortunately but I think i've still got some fun stuff lined up outside of club events. What about you?
We've got a committee meeting this evening , so i'll give you an update about things after that, but make a note in your diary for OPENING WEEKEND 31st Jan- 2nd Feb ( as that when the fun and games with the NEW Gorilla begin!)