The Committee
The club operates with a committee structure. Currently this committee is made up of five members and three (non vote casting) helpers for the named roles.
The roles are described below.
Bruno Brown
Club Chair
Rob Garrett
Vice Chair
Lindsey Trivett
Club Secretary
Rob Anderson
Vice Secretary
Eugene Vichare
Club Treasurer
Rich Bates
Vice Treasurer
David Morton
General Committee
Stuart Bulloch
General Committee
Chair committee meetings and the AGM.
Ensure appropriate documents, including minutes are available for committee members.
Ensure all committee members are aware of their role and responsibilities.
Act as an ambassador for the club, liaise with club members and convey any concerns and expectations to the committee.
Ensure the club is managed in accordance with the club constitution and values.
Prepare and distribute minutes of committee meetings.
Keep records as required.
Attend committee meetings.
To be responsible for all income and expenditure by the club.
Maintain accurate financial records and provide financial forecasts as required.
Report regularly to the committee on the clubs financial status.
Prepare and present audited financial statements and report at the AGM.
Attend committee meetings.
Ensure that accurate records are kept of all financial transactions and any items of expenditure are approved by the committee.
Administration of membership.
General Committee
Attend committee meetings.
Organise and promote all social activities and events for the club throughout the year.
Solicit views of all members to best understand the range of events which would appeal to members.
Work with the kit supplier in arranging order windows and liaising with club members about kit.
Maintain a list of ride leaders.
Risk assess riding conditions.
Responsible for general committee tasks as they arise.