HAPPY NEW YEAR TROOP! Here's to an amazing 2025, with the big club relaunch coming at the end of January, there's a lot to look forward to.
I noticed a number of people completed Rapha's Festive 500 - riding 500km between 24th-31st December - well done to Phil Hood, and Graeme Garrett, but the largest doff of our festive caps should go to John Pears, Oliver Agar and Neil Cocklin who completed the 500km all in 1 go !
Talking of long distances , how did everyone do this year? How far did you ride, was it further than previously, better than expected or because of circumstance a little bit less? We'd be interested to find the biggest increase in distance this year from a Gorilla, and also the furthest anyone rode this year - so please let us know in the comments below.
As you can see from the photo I was 23km short of 10k for this year according to Strava - a personal best.
Whilst others were going for distance Chris Mapp was going for speed, as he raced the Boxing Day cross over in Warwick , and came 16th overall, 4th in his age group. God work fella.
And Chris wasn't the only one travelling quickly over the Christmas period as i saw 2 Gorilla Strava crowns for Kelly Murphy and Rebecca Welsh - chapeau.
Michael Bryant has organised a trip to Derby velodrome on Saturday 8th March from 2-4pm for The Missiles, and has 6 spare spaces, which he has very kindly offered to members of Gorilla - price would be £40 ( including bike hire, shoes, coach and a buffet lunch) - please contact him directly if you're interested.
Eugene Vichare is leading this weeks Zwift club ride on Wednesday at 6.30pm - 25km Coast to Coast, and the band is on, so everyone stays together .
As the weather is forcast to be poor again on Thursday evening he is also leading a Zwift ride on Thursday at 6.30pm around the London 8 route - just over 21km , for a 45 minute spin leaving you time to shower and head down to the Hare and Hounds for a post ride pint. Again the band is on, so what ever power your post Christmas legs are putting out you'll all stay in the same bubble.
The invites have been sent out already, so check your Zwift companion app, and if you haven't got an invite let us know below, and follow Eugene on Zwift.
The weather for Thursday looks FREEZING , so road riding will not be advisable i'm afraid, HOWEVER in addition to the Zwift ride that Eugene Vichare has offered to lead on Thursday evening, we have got 2 club gravel rides going out on Thursday.
Bruno is leading a 2 hour muddy ride through the parks and down the canal tow paths leaving at 9.30am from outside the old cafe,
and Paul Astin is leading an evening local explorer ride leaving York road at 6.30pm. Book on as normal via the website - www.gorillacafe.co.uk/cycling.
Obviously even if you're not riding and just fancy a chat with your mates head down to the back bar at the Hare and Hounds for a pint and a catch up.
That's all for now, and as Sunday looks to be dry an warm enough to ride, Páraic Scanlon will put club rides up for then later this week.
Ride safe