Club Relaunch Weekend

The re-launch of the club seemed to go well! The new website, (thanks again to Neil Cocklin and Sean Miller) went live on Thursday, and to date 78 members have signed up.

We announced our new charity of the year - St Vincent de Paul Society (England & Wales) - and we raised £650 from the quiz night for them, and they have already received these funds to help benefit their great work.

The quiz on Friday was a good laugh, we had 6 teams of various sizes, all competing for no prize, which was won by the Spritts and Tits team.

The teams had to make a bike helmet out of newspaper ( which was judged by Helen from behind the bar at the Kings Heath Cricket club (thanks for hosting us), they had to guess the "celebrities" that Eugene Vichare and I dressed up as, there was a club round, a round of TV theme tunes, and a picture round of famous climbs (like Trittiford Road). We also played a game of "chapeau or chamois" which Dana Chirila won and kindly donated her winnings straight to charity. Thank you to everybody who came along.

Then on Sunday we had our first rides out as Gorilla Cycling Club - 47 riders on 8 different rides (6 road, 2 offroad) all returning to The Hare and Hounds for coffee, and a bit of brunch. Great turn out people, and thank you to all our amazing volunteer ride leaders who gave their time.


Gorilla Zwift


Our chosen charity for 2025…