Watt Bike Challenge - February

6 second peak power and 1km time trial challenges.

Spring TT - May


Inter-Club Charity Day - July


west Midlands CX league - september to December

Members took part in various races throughout the season.

Notable Results

Gorilla Hill Climb - October

Club Awards 2020 - November

After many technical difficulties the clubs first ever awards ceremony took place on zoom, broadcast live from the Gorilla Coffee Cafe. The winners were:

Slowest puncture change - Dave king

Worst half wheeler- Luke Morrish

Best dressed - Rich Bates

Epic ride - Phil Hood

P.I.S.S. Award - Eugene Vichare

Comedy tumble- Julian Roberts

Historic event - Jo Ness

Club Achievement- Zwift Everesting crew ( Kyle Houston, Adam Gale, Mike Shuster and Joe Brinno)

Most led rides - Malcolm Cowie

Club person of the year - Kris Rogers